Description of Louisville; City in United States

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Louisville; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Louisville City.

Louisville City

Louisville (/ˈluːivɪl/) LOO-ee-vil, US: /ˈluːɪvɪl/ (LOO-ə-vəl, locally /ˈlʊvɪl/ ( listen) LUUV-əl) is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 28th most-populous city in the United States. Louisville is the historical seat and, since 2003, the nominal seat of Jefferson County, on the Indiana border.

Named after King Louis XVI of France, Louisville was founded in 1778 by George Rogers Clark, making it one of the oldest cities west of the Appalachians. With nearby Falls of the Ohio as the only major obstruction to river traffic between the upper Ohio River and the Gulf of Mexico, the settlement first grew as a portage site. It was the founding city of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, which grew into a 6,000-mile (9,700 km) system across 13 states.

Today, the city is known as the home of boxer Muhammad Ali, the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken, the University of Louisville and its Cardinals, Louisville Slugger baseball bats, and three of Kentucky’s six Fortune 500 companies: Humana, Kindred Healthcare, and Yum! Brands. Muhammad Ali International Airport, Louisville’s main commercial airport, hosts UPS’s worldwide hub.

Since 2003, Louisville’s borders have been the same as those of Jefferson County, after a city-county merger. The official name of this consolidated city-county government is the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, abbreviated to Louisville Metro. Despite the merger and renaming, the term “Jefferson County” continues to be used in some contexts in reference to Louisville Metro, particularly including the incorporated cities outside the “balance” which make up Louisville proper. The city’s total consolidated population as of the 2020 census was 782,969. However, the balance total of 633,045 excludes other incorporated places and semiautonomous towns within the county and is the population listed in most sources and national rankings.

The Louisville-Jefferson County, KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) includes Louisville-Jefferson County and 12 surrounding counties, seven in Kentucky and five in Southern Indiana. As of 2019, the MSA had a population of 1,395,634, ranking 43rd nationally.


Louisville (/ˈluːivɪl/) LOO-ee-vil, US: /ˈluːɪvɪl/ (LOO-ə-vəl, lokal /ˈlʊvɪl/ ( simak) LUUV-əl) adalah kota terbesar di Persemakmuran Kentucky dan kota terpadat ke-28 kota di Amerika Serikat. Louisville adalah kursi bersejarah dan, sejak 2003, kursi nominal Kabupaten Jefferson, di perbatasan Indiana.

Dinamai setelah Raja Louis XVI dari Prancis, Louisville didirikan pada 1778 oleh George Rogers Clark, menjadikannya salah satu kota tertua di sebelah barat Appalachian. Dengan Falls of the Ohio di dekatnya sebagai satu-satunya penghalang utama lalu lintas sungai antara hulu Sungai Ohio dan Teluk Meksiko, pemukiman pertama kali tumbuh sebagai situs portage. Itu adalah kota pendiri Kereta Api Louisville dan Nashville, yang tumbuh menjadi sistem sepanjang 6.000 mil (9.700 km) di 13 negara bagian.

Saat ini, kota ini dikenal sebagai rumah petinju Muhammad Ali, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken, University of Louisville and its Cardinals, Louisville Slugger baseball bats, dan tiga dari enam perusahaan Fortune 500 Kentucky: Humana, Kindred Healthcare, dan Nyam! Merek. Bandara Internasional Muhammad Ali, bandara komersial utama Louisville, menampung pusat UPS di seluruh dunia.

Sejak 2003, perbatasan Louisville sama dengan perbatasan Kabupaten Jefferson, setelah penggabungan kota-kabupaten. Nama resmi pemerintah kota-kabupaten terkonsolidasi ini adalah Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, disingkat Louisville Metro. Terlepas dari penggabungan dan penggantian nama, istilah “Jefferson County” terus digunakan dalam beberapa konteks yang mengacu pada Metro Louisville, khususnya termasuk kota-kota yang tergabung di luar “keseimbangan” yang membentuk Louisville. Total populasi gabungan kota pada sensus 2020 adalah 782.969. Namun, total saldo 633.045 tidak termasuk tempat-tempat lain yang tergabung dan kota-kota semi-otonom di dalam kabupaten dan merupakan populasi yang terdaftar di sebagian besar sumber dan peringkat nasional.

Louisville-Jefferson County, KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) mencakup Louisville-Jefferson County dan 12 county sekitarnya, tujuh di Kentucky dan lima di Indiana Selatan. Pada 2019, MSA memiliki populasi 1.395.634, peringkat ke-43 secara nasional.

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