Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊
Surakarta, – The Boyolali District Health Office, Central Java, recorded as many as 4,040 cases out of a total of 4,864 residents who were confirmed positive for Covid-19 in that area.
“Based on data at the Boyolali Health Office, until Sunday (7/2/2021) night, the number of residents who recovered from Covid-19 increased by six, bringing the total to 4,040 patients (83.1%),” said Head of Boyolali Health Office Ratri S Survivalina, at Boyolali, Monday (8/2/2021).

Ratri S. Survivalina conveyed that of the six cases that were declared cured after the results of the second PCR swab test evaluation on Covid-19 confirmed patients, the majority of people without symptoms, on Saturday (6/2/2021), were negative. Residents who recovered were then immediately returned to their homes.
At the same time, residents who were confirmed positive for Covid-19 in Boyolali also increased by 37, bringing the total to 4,864 patients.
324 patients confirmed positive for Covid-19 in Boyolali who are still undergoing treatment, and 363 people in independent isolation. Plus residents who have been declared cured of 4,040 cases, and died of 137 cases or 2.8%.
“The addition of 37 people confirmed positive, consisting of 25 new incidents and 12 people due to close contact with previous cases,” he said.
Therefore, Boyolali Regency for the Covid-19 Public Health Index (IKM) scoring, which is 2.98 or is in the medium or orange risk zone.
Nevertheless, the Boyolali Health Office does not stop to continue to socialize to people who are active outside the home to be disciplined in obeying health protocols to prevent transmission of the corona virus.
He asked the public to continue implementing the 5M health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility to reduce the Covid-19 number in Boyolali.
During the second phase of Community Activity Restriction (PPKM), he said, people should not actually do activities outside the home if it is not important, causing crowds that have the potential to transmit Covid-19.
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