Zainul Milal said that Muslims need to learn the Role of Sunan Giri

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Jakarta, – Santri historian Zainul Milal Bizawi said that Muslims in Indonesia should learn from the example of Sunan Giri who preached by embracing and not hitting. As a historian, Zainul explained that Sunan Giri played an important role in the development of Islamic da’wah in the archipelago by utilizing power and trade channels.

When the other sanga guardians were not close to power, the condition was different for Sunan Giri, because he had the Brawijaya breed. However, despite having access to power, Sunan Giri did not take advantage of this condition to eliminate Hindu traditions.

“Instead, he just let it go, embraced it slowly, then Islamic values ​​were inserted,” said Zainul during a Ngabuburit event with the Central National Cultural Agency (BKNP) PDI Perjuangan (PDIP), Tuesday (4/5/2021).

The program, which was broadcast before breaking the fast, had the theme “Sunan Giri Cultural Da’wah, Embracing Not Hitting”. PDIP BKNP Secretary, Rano Karno acted as the host.

Zainul said that Sunan Giri’s position as a ruler made it so easy to embrace all circles. Sunan Giri could understand the socio-political conditions at that time, and was used to do da’wah.

In the history of the spread of Islam in the archipelago, although Sunan Giri was domiciled in the Gini area, his influence extended to Madura, Lombok, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Lombok.

“Sunan Giri is very intelligent, although in terms of his position he is domiciled in Giri, but its spread is so wide, as far as Lombok, Kalimantan, and even to Minangkabau,” said Zainul.

Sunan Giri also developed a pesantren-based education system at that time. In his preaching, Sunan Giri used a cultural approach. For example, by creating several songs and games for children.

One of the well-known games of cublak-cublak suweng. Zainul said, this game is believed to have a deep enough philosophical meaning and message, which is to teach humans not to indulge in lust and greed in search of wealth or happiness.

However, use your conscience and remain humble so that the wealth or happiness you get contains blessings for yourself and others.

“Sunan Giri uses an acculturation model by utilizing his power which also embraces the common people with the arts,” said Zainul.

For him, the story of Sunan Giri also implies how important it is to reopen historical books that tell stories about existing and developing cultures. That way, the preservation of Nusantara culture is maintained.

Zainul hoped that the current nation’s children would not destroy such a noble culture. This is because the history of the archipelago is the history of the guardians as did Sunan Giri.

“The existing traditions should be preserved. Tradition or culture is not shirk but there are positive values ​​including values ​​to protect nature. Bung Karno once said to be godly with culture. This means that we have to uphold human values ​​and also tolerance, “said Zainul.


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