Unwahas has Optimism to Go International

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SEMARANG, – Wahid Hasyim University (Unwahas) Semarang is optimistic that in the future it will become a campus that goes international.

This was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the Wahid Hasyim Semarang Foundation Prof. Dr. Noor Achmad when inaugurating the Unwahas Dean Building which was attended by the Mayor of Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, the General Chair of the Central Java Kadin Kukrit SW and several kiai and NU figures of Semarang City, Saturday (19/9).

According to Noor Achmad, Unwahas is growing rapidly not only in the number of students and buildings, but also alumni who have won the trust of foreign governments. Evidently, many foreign students have assigned them to study at Unwahas.

“In 2025, we will first strengthen it to become an international campus,” he said.

He also felt proud in this difficult situation and many private universities had difficulty finding students. Unwahas was still trusted by the public, especially the people of Nahdlatul Ulama.

In the future, Unwahas will also develop a rectorate building, faculty building for pharmacy, sports and a cemetery in the Nongkosawit area covering an area of ​​50 hectares.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, hopes that the new building will make Unwahas’ development progressively ahead.

Hendi, his nickname, explained that in an effort to accelerate economic growth, especially educational institutions, had a role. The condition is that the socio-political conditions must be safely controlled.

“That the strength of NU and other Islamic groups is extraordinarily compact with santri always prioritizing tolerance and communication. Second, the young people must be competitive in order to be more advanced,” he explained.


SEMARANG, – Universitas Wahid Hasyim (Unwahas) Semarang optimistis ke depan akan dapat menjadi kampus yang go international.

Hal itu disampaikan Ketua Umum Yayasan Wahid Hasyim Semarang Prof Dr Noor Achmad saat meresmikan Gedung Dekanat Unwahas yang dihadiri Wali Kota Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, Ketua Umum Kadin Jawa Tengah Kukrit SW dan beberapa tokoh kiai dan NU Kota Semarang, Sabtu (19/9).

Menurut Noor Achmad, perkembangan Unwahas semakin pesat tidak hanya jumlah mahasiswa dan gedung, tetapi juga alumni yang sudah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pemerintah luar negeri. Terbukti, sudah banyak mahasiswa luar negeri yang menugaskan untuk kuliah di Unwahas.

“Di 2025 pertama kita meneguhkan menjadi kampus internasional,” katanya.

Ia pun merasa bangga di situasi yang sulit ini dan banyak universitas swasta kesulitan mencari mahasiswa, Unwahas masih dipercaya masyarakat terutama warga Nahdlatul Ulama.

Ke depan Unwahas juga akan mengembangkan gedung rektorat, gedung fakultas farmasi, olahraga dan makam di daerah Nongkosawit seluas 50 hektar.

Sementara itu Wali Kota Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi berharap dengan adanya gedung baru bisa membuat perkembangan Unwahas ke depan semakin maju.

Hendi sapaan akrabnya menjelaskan, dalam upaya percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi terutama lembaga pendidikan mempunyai andil. Syaratnya kondisi sosial politik harus aman terkendali.

“Bahwa kekuatan NU dan kelompok Islam lainnya kompak luar biasa yang mempunyai santri selalu mengedepankan tolerasi dan komunikasi. Kedua, anak-anak mudanya harus kompetitif agar bisa lebih maju,” jelasnya.


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