Kemdikbud: University Can Create a Teaching Campus Program, Jakarta

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Indoneisa, – The Teaching Campus Initiative does not only come from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), but universities (PT) are also given the opportunity to independently create the program in elementary schools (SD). The Teaching Campus is part of the Merdeka Campus program which aims to help learning during a pandemic, especially for elementary schools in disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost areas (3T)

“Universities can create their own Teaching Campus programs. So there are two schemes, first carried out by higher education institutions, second by the Ministry of Education and Culture which is fully supported by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP), “said the Director of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Aris Junaidi in the Teaching Campus socialization event which was held virtually, Saturday (13/2 / 2021).

According to Aris, the Teaching Campus does not only involve students, but also universities and lecturers. There are at least three benefits that will be obtained by lecturers and universities through this program.

First, making a real contribution to solving educational problems, especially during the pandemic. Second, providing opportunities for cross-program lecturers to collaborate with students, schools, and teachers in educational development.

Third, provide space for dedication, application of various studies, innovations, and creativity produced by lecturers in improving the quality of education.

“In the Teaching Campus, lecturers act as field guides,” said Aris.

Lecturers in the Teaching Campus play a role in assisting students to meet with government agencies and schools, conducting student mentoring sessions during the program in the form of communication with each guidance student (once a week), communicating with the tutor teacher (at least 2x during the program), conducting sharing sessions with all guidance students (Once per 2 weeks), and provide final assessment to guidance students, and provide recommendations for self-development of guidance students.

“Each supervisor is responsible for providing assistance to 5-8 guidance students,” said Aris.

For the selection process, Aris said the participants had to create a Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) account, administrative selection, diversity survey, and announcements.

Meanwhile, the requirements for students who want to take part in the Teaching Campus selection are students with an active status of at least semester 5, have a minimum GPA of 3 from a scale of 4, preferably have experience in organizations or teaching as evidenced by letters of recommendation / certificate / other information, and have a good record or have no problems. at PT, and not students participating in the 2020 Pioneer Teaching Campus program.


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