Description of Sacramento; City in United States

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Sacramento; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Sacramento City.

Sacramento City

Sacramento (/ˌsækrəˈmɛntoʊ/ SAK-rə-MEN-toh; Spanish: [sakɾaˈmento], Spanish for ”sacrament”) is the capital city of the U.S. state of California and the seat and largest city of Sacramento County. Located at the confluence of the Sacramento and American River in Northern California’s Sacramento Valley, Sacramento’s 2020 population of 524,943 makes it the sixth-largest city in California and the ninth-largest capital in the United States. Sacramento is the seat of the California Legislature and the Governor of California, making it the state’s political center and a hub for lobbying and think tanks. It features the California State Capitol Museum.

Sacramento is also the cultural and economic core of the Greater Sacramento area, which at the 2020 census had a population of 2,680,831, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in California.

Before the arrival of the Spanish, the area was inhabited by the historic Nisenan, Maidu, and other indigenous peoples of California. Spanish cavalryman Gabriel Moraga surveyed and named the Río del Santísimo Sacramento (Sacramento River) in 1808, after the Blessed Sacrament. In 1839, Juan Bautista Alvarado, Mexican governor of Alta California, granted the responsibility of colonizing the Sacramento Valley to Swiss-born Mexican citizen John Augustus Sutter, who subsequently established Sutter’s Fort and the settlement at the Rancho Nueva Helvetia. Following the American Conquest of California and the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the waterfront developed by Sutter began to be developed, and incorporated in 1850 as the City of Sacramento.

Sacramento is the fastest-growing major city in California, owing to its status as a notable political center on the West Coast and as a major educational hub, home of California State University, Sacramento and University of California, Davis. Similarly, Sacramento is a major center for the California healthcare industry, as the seat of Sutter Health, the world-renowned UC Davis Medical Center, and the UC Davis School of Medicine. It is a tourist destination, featuring the California Museum, Crocker Art Museum, California State Railroad Museum, California Hall of Fame, and Old Sacramento State Historic Park. Sacramento International Airport, located northwest of the city, is the city’s major airport.

Sacramento is known for its evolving contemporary culture, and is dubbed the most “hipster city” in California. In 2002, the Harvard University Civil Rights Project conducted for Time magazine ranked Sacramento as “America’s Most Diverse City”.


Sacramento (/ˌsækrəˈmɛntoʊ/ SAK-rə-MEN-toh; bahasa Spanyol: [sakɾaˈmento], bahasa Spanyol untuk ”sakramen”) adalah ibu kota negara bagian California di Amerika Serikat dan pusat kota terbesar di Sacramento County. Terletak di pertemuan Sacramento dan Sungai Amerika di Lembah Sacramento California Utara, populasi Sacramento tahun 2020 sebesar 524.943 menjadikannya kota terbesar keenam di California dan ibu kota terbesar kesembilan di Amerika Serikat. Sacramento adalah kursi Badan Legislatif California dan Gubernur California, menjadikannya pusat politik negara bagian dan pusat lobi dan wadah pemikir. Ini menampilkan Museum Capitol Negara Bagian California.

Sacramento juga merupakan inti budaya dan ekonomi dari wilayah Greater Sacramento, yang pada sensus tahun 2020 memiliki populasi 2.680.831, wilayah metropolitan terbesar keempat di California.

Sebelum kedatangan bangsa Spanyol, kawasan tersebut dihuni oleh Nisenan, Maidu, dan masyarakat adat California lainnya yang bersejarah. Kavaleri Spanyol Gabriel Moraga menyurvei dan menamai Río del Santísimo Sacramento (Sungai Sacramento) pada tahun 1808, menurut nama Sakramen Mahakudus. Pada tahun 1839, Juan Bautista Alvarado, gubernur Meksiko Alta California, memberikan tanggung jawab untuk menjajah Lembah Sacramento kepada warga negara Meksiko kelahiran Swiss John Augustus Sutter, yang kemudian mendirikan Benteng Sutter dan pemukiman di Rancho Nueva Helvetia. Setelah Penaklukan California oleh Amerika dan Perjanjian Guadalupe-Hidalgo tahun 1848, tepi laut yang dikembangkan oleh Sutter mulai dikembangkan, dan digabungkan pada tahun 1850 sebagai Kota Sacramento.

Sacramento adalah kota besar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di California, karena statusnya sebagai pusat politik terkenal di Pantai Barat dan sebagai pusat pendidikan utama, rumah dari Universitas Negeri California, Sacramento dan Universitas California, Davis. Demikian pula, Sacramento adalah pusat utama untuk industri perawatan kesehatan California, sebagai tempat kedudukan Sutter Health, Pusat Medis UC Davis yang terkenal di dunia, dan Fakultas Kedokteran UC Davis. Ini adalah tujuan wisata, menampilkan Museum California, Museum Seni Crocker, Museum Kereta Api Negara Bagian California, Hall of Fame California, dan Taman Bersejarah Negara Bagian Old Sacramento. Bandara Internasional Sacramento, terletak di barat laut kota, adalah bandara utama kota.

Sacramento dikenal dengan budaya kontemporernya yang berkembang, dan dijuluki sebagai “kota paling hipster” di California. Pada tahun 2002, Proyek Hak Sipil Universitas Harvard yang dilakukan untuk majalah Time menempatkan Sacramento sebagai “Kota Paling Beragam di Amerika”.

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