Description of Omaha; City in United States

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Omaha; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Omaha City.

Omaha City

Omaha (/ˈoʊməhɑː/ OH-mə-hah) is the largest city in the U.S. state of Nebraska and the county seat of Douglas County. Omaha is in the Midwestern United States on the Missouri River, about 10 mi (15 km) north of the mouth of the Platte River. The nation’s 39th-largest city, Omaha’s 2020 census population was 486,051.

Omaha is the anchor of the eight-county, bi-state Omaha-Council Bluffs metropolitan area. The Omaha Metropolitan Area is the 58th-largest in the United States, with a population of 967,604. The Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA Combined Statistical Area (CSA) totaled 1,004,771, according to 2020 estimates. Approximately 1.5 million people reside within the Greater Omaha area, within a 50 mi (80 km) radius of Downtown Omaha. It is ranked as a global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, which in 2020 gave it “sufficiency” status.

Omaha’s pioneer period began in 1854, when the city was founded by speculators from neighboring Council Bluffs, Iowa. The city was founded along the Missouri River, and a crossing called Lone Tree Ferry earned the city its nickname, the “Gateway to the West”. Omaha introduced this new West to the world in 1898, when it played host to the World’s Fair, dubbed the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. During the 19th century, Omaha’s central location in the United States spurred the city to become an important national transportation hub. Throughout the rest of the 19th century, the transportation and jobbing sectors were important in the city, along with its railroads and breweries. In the 20th century, the Omaha Stockyards, once the world’s largest, and its meatpacking plants gained international prominence.

Today, Omaha is the home to the headquarters of four Fortune 500 companies: conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway; one of the world’s largest construction companies, Kiewit Corporation; insurance and financial firm Mutual of Omaha; and the United States’ largest railroad operator, Union Pacific Corporation. Berkshire Hathaway is headed by local investor Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, according to a decade’s worth of Forbes rankings, some of which have ranked him as high as No. 1.

Omaha is also the home to five Fortune 1000 headquarters: Green Plains, Intrado, TD Ameritrade, Valmont Industries, and Werner Enterprises. Also headquartered in Omaha are the following: First National Bank of Omaha, the third largest privately held bank in the United States; three of the nation’s ten largest architecture/engineering firms (DLR Group, HDR, Inc., and Leo A Daly); and the Gallup Organization, of Gallup Poll fame, and its riverfront Gallup University.

Notable modern Omaha inventions include the following: the “pink hair curler” created at Omaha’s Tip-Top Products; Butter Brickle Ice Cream, and the Reuben sandwich, conceived by a chef at the then–Blackstone Hotel on 36th and Farnam Streets; cake mix, developed by Duncan Hines, then a division of Omaha’s Nebraska Consolidated Mills, the forerunner to today’s ConAgra Foods; center-pivot irrigation by the Omaha company now known as Valmont Corporation; Raisin Bran, developed by Omaha’s Skinner Macaroni Co.; the first ski lift in the U.S., in 1936, by Omaha’s Union Pacific Corp.; the Top 40 radio format, pioneered by Todd Storz, scion of Omaha’s Storz Brewing Co. and head of Storz Broadcasting, and first used in the U.S. at Omaha’s KOWH Radio; and the TV dinner, developed by Omaha’s Carl A. Swanson.


Omaha (/ˈoʊməhɑː/ OH-mə-hah) adalah kota terbesar di negara bagian Nebraska, A.S. dan kursi county Douglas County. Omaha berada di Midwestern Amerika Serikat di Sungai Missouri, sekitar 10 mil (15 km) di utara muara Sungai Platte. Kota terbesar ke-39 di negara itu, populasi sensus 2020 Omaha adalah 486.051.

Omaha adalah jangkar dari wilayah metropolitan Omaha-Council Bluffs yang terdiri dari dua negara bagian dan dua negara bagian. Area Metropolitan Omaha adalah yang terbesar ke-58 di Amerika Serikat, dengan populasi 967.604. Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, Area Statistik Gabungan NE-IA (CSA) berjumlah 1.004.771, menurut perkiraan tahun 2020. Sekitar 1,5 juta orang tinggal di wilayah Greater Omaha, dalam radius 50 mil (80 km) dari Pusat Kota Omaha. Itu diperingkatkan sebagai kota global oleh Globalization and World Cities Research Network, yang pada tahun 2020 memberinya status “kecukupan”.

Periode perintis Omaha dimulai pada tahun 1854, ketika kota ini didirikan oleh para spekulan dari Council Bluffs yang bertetangga, Iowa. Kota ini didirikan di sepanjang Sungai Missouri, dan sebuah penyeberangan yang disebut Lone Tree Ferry membuat kota itu dijuluki, “Gerbang ke Barat”. Omaha memperkenalkan Barat baru ini ke dunia pada tahun 1898, ketika menjadi tuan rumah Pameran Dunia, yang dijuluki Pameran Trans-Mississippi. Selama abad ke-19, lokasi sentral Omaha di Amerika Serikat mendorong kota ini menjadi pusat transportasi nasional yang penting. Sepanjang sisa abad ke-19, sektor transportasi dan lapangan kerja penting di kota, bersama dengan rel kereta api dan pabrik birnya. Pada abad ke-20, Peternakan Omaha, yang pernah menjadi yang terbesar di dunia, dan pabrik pengepakan dagingnya menjadi terkenal di dunia internasional.

Hari ini, Omaha adalah rumah bagi kantor pusat empat perusahaan Fortune 500: konglomerat Berkshire Hathaway; salah satu perusahaan konstruksi terbesar di dunia, Kiewit Corporation; perusahaan asuransi dan keuangan Mutual of Omaha; dan operator kereta api terbesar di Amerika Serikat, Union Pacific Corporation. Berkshire Hathaway dipimpin oleh investor lokal Warren Buffett, salah satu orang terkaya di dunia, menurut peringkat Forbes selama satu dekade, beberapa di antaranya menempatkannya di peringkat No.1.

Omaha juga merupakan rumah bagi lima kantor pusat Fortune 1000: Green Plains, Intrado, TD Ameritrade, Valmont Industries, dan Werner Enterprises. Juga berkantor pusat di Omaha adalah sebagai berikut: First National Bank of Omaha, bank swasta terbesar ketiga di Amerika Serikat; tiga dari sepuluh firma arsitektur/teknik terbesar di negara ini (DLR Group, HDR, Inc., dan Leo A Daly); dan Organisasi Gallup, dari ketenaran Gallup Poll, dan Universitas Gallup di tepi sungai.

Penemuan Omaha modern yang terkenal meliputi: “pengeriting rambut merah muda” yang dibuat di Produk Tip-Top Omaha; Butter Brickle Ice Cream, dan sandwich Reuben, yang dibuat oleh koki di Blackstone Hotel saat itu di 36th dan Farnam Streets; campuran kue, dikembangkan oleh Duncan Hines, kemudian sebuah divisi dari Pabrik Konsolidasi Nebraska Omaha, cikal bakal ConAgra Foods saat ini; irigasi poros tengah oleh perusahaan Omaha yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Valmont Corporation; Raisin Bran, dikembangkan oleh Omaha’s Skinner Macaroni Co.; lift ski pertama di AS, pada tahun 1936, oleh Union Pacific Corp. dari Omaha; format radio Top 40, dipelopori oleh Todd Storz, keturunan dari Storz Brewing Co. Omaha dan kepala Storz Broadcasting, dan pertama kali digunakan di AS di Radio KOWH Omaha; dan makan malam TV, yang dikembangkan oleh Carl A. Swanson dari Omaha.

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