Description of Memphis; City in United States

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Memphis; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Memphis City.

Memphis City

Memphis is a city in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is the seat of Shelby County in the southwest part of the state; it is situated along the Mississippi River. With a population of 633,104 at the 2020 U.S. census, Memphis is the second-most populous city in Tennessee, after Nashville.

Memphis is the fifth-most populous city in the Southeast, the nation’s 28th-largest overall, as well as the largest city bordering the Mississippi River. The Memphis metropolitan area includes West Tennessee and the greater Mid-South region, which includes portions of neighboring Arkansas, Mississippi and the Missouri Bootheel. One of the more historic and culturally significant cities of the Southern United States, Memphis has a wide variety of landscapes and distinct neighborhoods.

The first European explorer to visit the area of present-day Memphis was Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto in 1541. The high Chickasaw Bluffs protecting the location from the waters of the Mississippi was contested by Spanish, French, and English colonizers as Memphis developed. By 1819, when modern Memphis was founded, it was part of United States territory. John Overton, James Winchester, and Andrew Jackson founded the city. Based on the wealth of cotton plantations and river traffic along the Mississippi, Memphis grew into one of the largest cities of the Antebellum South. After the American Civil War and the end of slavery, the city continued to grow into the 20th century. It became among the largest world markets for cotton and lumber.

Home to Tennessee’s largest African-American population, Memphis played a prominent role in the American Civil Rights Movement. Leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated there in 1968 after activities supporting a strike by the city’s maintenance workers. The National Civil Rights Museum was established there and is a Smithsonian affiliate institution.

Since the civil rights era, Memphis has become one of the nation’s leading commercial centers in transportation and logistics. The largest employer is FedEx, which maintains its global air hub at Memphis International Airport. Since the USSR collapsed in 1991, Memphis has superseded Anchorage as the busiest cargo airport in the world. The International Port of Memphis also hosts the fifth-busiest inland water port in the U.S. The Globalization and World Cities Research Network considers Memphis a “Sufficiency” level global city as of 2020.

Memphis is a center for media and entertainment, notably a historic music scene. With blues clubs on Beale Street originating the unique Memphis blues sound, the city has been nicknamed the “Home of the Blues”. Its music has continued to be shaped by a multicultural mix of influences: country, rock and roll, soul, and hip-hop.

The city is home to a major professional sports team, the Grizzlies of the NBA. Other attractions include Graceland, the Memphis Pyramid, Sun Studio, the Blues Hall of Fame and Stax Museum of American Soul Music. Memphis-style barbecue has achieved international prominence, and the city hosts the annual World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest, which attracts more than 100,000 visitors each year. Higher-level educational institutions include the University of Memphis and Rhodes College.


Memphis adalah sebuah kota di negara bagian AS Tennessee. Itu adalah kedudukan Shelby County di bagian barat daya negara bagian; itu terletak di sepanjang Sungai Mississippi. Dengan populasi 633.104 pada sensus AS tahun 2020, Memphis adalah kota terpadat kedua di Tennessee, setelah Nashville.

Memphis adalah kota terpadat kelima di Tenggara, negara terbesar ke-28 secara keseluruhan, serta kota terbesar yang berbatasan dengan Sungai Mississippi. Wilayah metropolitan Memphis meliputi West Tennessee dan wilayah Mid-South yang lebih besar, yang mencakup bagian dari Arkansas, Mississippi, dan Missouri Bootheel yang bertetangga. Salah satu kota yang lebih bersejarah dan penting secara budaya di Amerika Serikat Bagian Selatan, Memphis memiliki beragam lanskap dan lingkungan yang berbeda.

Penjelajah Eropa pertama yang mengunjungi daerah Memphis saat ini adalah penakluk Spanyol Hernando de Soto pada tahun 1541. Tebing Chickasaw tinggi yang melindungi lokasi dari perairan Mississippi diperebutkan oleh penjajah Spanyol, Prancis, dan Inggris saat Memphis berkembang. Pada tahun 1819, ketika Memphis modern didirikan, itu menjadi bagian dari wilayah Amerika Serikat. John Overton, James Winchester, dan Andrew Jackson mendirikan kota tersebut. Berdasarkan kekayaan perkebunan kapas dan lalu lintas sungai di sepanjang Mississippi, Memphis tumbuh menjadi salah satu kota terbesar di Antebellum South. Setelah Perang Saudara Amerika dan berakhirnya perbudakan, kota ini terus berkembang hingga abad ke-20. Itu menjadi salah satu pasar dunia terbesar untuk kapas dan kayu.

Rumah bagi populasi Afrika-Amerika terbesar di Tennessee, Memphis memainkan peran penting dalam Gerakan Hak Sipil Amerika. Pemimpin Martin Luther King Jr. dibunuh di sana pada tahun 1968 setelah kegiatan yang mendukung pemogokan oleh pekerja pemeliharaan kota. Museum Hak Sipil Nasional didirikan di sana dan merupakan lembaga afiliasi Smithsonian.

Sejak era hak-hak sipil, Memphis telah menjadi salah satu pusat komersial terkemuka di bidang transportasi dan logistik. Majikan terbesar adalah FedEx, yang mempertahankan hub udara globalnya di Bandara Internasional Memphis. Sejak Uni Soviet runtuh pada tahun 1991, Memphis telah menggantikan Anchorage sebagai bandara kargo tersibuk di dunia. Pelabuhan Internasional Memphis juga menjadi tuan rumah pelabuhan air pedalaman tersibuk kelima di AS. Globalisasi dan Jaringan Penelitian Kota Dunia menganggap Memphis sebagai kota global tingkat “Kecukupan” pada tahun 2020.

Memphis adalah pusat media dan hiburan, terutama tempat musik bersejarah. Dengan klub blues di Beale Street yang berasal dari suara blues Memphis yang unik, kota ini dijuluki sebagai “Home of the Blues”. Musiknya terus dibentuk oleh campuran pengaruh multikultural: country, rock and roll, soul, dan hip-hop.

Kota ini adalah rumah bagi tim olahraga profesional utama, Grizzlies of the NBA. Atraksi lainnya termasuk Graceland, Piramida Memphis, Sun Studio, Blues Hall of Fame dan Stax Museum of American Soul Music. Barbekyu bergaya Memphis telah mencapai ketenaran internasional, dan kota ini menyelenggarakan Kontes Memasak Barbekyu Kejuaraan Dunia tahunan, yang menarik lebih dari 100.000 pengunjung setiap tahun. Institusi pendidikan tingkat tinggi termasuk University of Memphis dan Rhodes College.

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