Description of Jacksonville; City in United States

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Jacksonville; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Jacksonville City.

Jacksonville City

Jacksonville is a city located on the Atlantic coast of northeastern Florida, the most populous city proper in the state and is the largest city by area in the contiguous United States as of 2020. It is the seat of Duval County, with which the city government consolidated in 1968. Consolidation gave Jacksonville its great size and placed most of its metropolitan population within the city limits. As of 2020, Jacksonville’s population is 949,611, making it the 12th most populous city in the U.S., the most populous city in the Southeast, and the most populous city in the South outside of the state of Texas. With a population of 1,733,937, the Jacksonville metropolitan area ranks as Florida’s fourth-largest metropolitan region.

Jacksonville straddles the St. Johns River in the First Coast region of northeastern Florida, about 12 miles (19 kilometers) south of the Georgia state line (25 mi or 40 km to the urban core/downtown) and 350 miles (560 km) north of Miami. The Jacksonville Beaches communities are along the adjacent Atlantic coast. The area was originally inhabited by the Timucua people, and in 1564 was the site of the French colony of Fort Caroline, one of the earliest European settlements in what is now the continental United States. Under British rule, a settlement grew at the narrow point in the river where cattle crossed, known as Wacca Pilatka to the Seminole and the Cow Ford to the British. A platted town was established there in 1822, a year after the United States gained Florida from Spain; it was named after Andrew Jackson, the first military governor of the Florida Territory and seventh President of the United States.

Harbor improvements since the late 19th century have made Jacksonville a major military and civilian deep-water port. Its riverine location facilitates Naval Station Mayport, Naval Air Station Jacksonville, the U.S. Marine Corps Blount Island Command, and the Port of Jacksonville, Florida’s third largest seaport. Jacksonville’s military bases and the nearby Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay form the third largest military presence in the United States. Significant factors in the local economy include services such as banking, insurance, healthcare and logistics. As with much of Florida, tourism is important to the Jacksonville area, particularly tourism related to golf. People from Jacksonville are sometimes called “Jacksonvillians” or “Jaxsons” (also spelled “Jaxons”).


Jacksonville adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di pantai Atlantik timur laut Florida, kota terpadat di negara bagian itu dan merupakan kota terbesar menurut wilayah di Amerika Serikat yang berdekatan pada tahun 2020. Ini adalah tempat kedudukan Duval County, yang dengannya pemerintah kota dikonsolidasikan pada tahun 1968. Konsolidasi memberi Jacksonville ukurannya yang besar dan menempatkan sebagian besar populasi metropolitannya di dalam batas kota. Pada tahun 2020, populasi Jacksonville adalah 949.611, menjadikannya kota terpadat ke-12 di AS, kota terpadat di Tenggara, dan kota terpadat di Selatan di luar negara bagian Texas. Dengan populasi 1.733.937, wilayah metropolitan Jacksonville menempati urutan keempat sebagai wilayah metropolitan terbesar di Florida.

Jacksonville mengangkangi Sungai St. Johns di wilayah Pantai Pertama di timur laut Florida, sekitar 12 mil (19 kilometer) di selatan garis negara bagian Georgia (25 mil atau 40 km ke pusat kota/pusat kota) dan 350 mil (560 km) di utara dari Miami. Komunitas Pantai Jacksonville berada di sepanjang pantai Atlantik yang berdekatan. Daerah ini awalnya dihuni oleh orang Timucua, dan pada tahun 1564 merupakan situs koloni Prancis Fort Caroline, salah satu pemukiman Eropa paling awal di tempat yang sekarang menjadi benua Amerika Serikat. Di bawah pemerintahan Inggris, sebuah pemukiman tumbuh di titik sempit di sungai tempat ternak menyeberang, yang dikenal sebagai Wacca Pilatka ke Seminole dan Cow Ford ke Inggris. Sebuah kota platted didirikan di sana pada tahun 1822, setahun setelah Amerika Serikat memperoleh Florida dari Spanyol; itu dinamai Andrew Jackson, gubernur militer pertama Wilayah Florida dan Presiden ketujuh Amerika Serikat.

Perbaikan pelabuhan sejak akhir abad ke-19 telah menjadikan Jacksonville sebagai pelabuhan laut dalam militer dan sipil utama. Lokasi sungainya memfasilitasi Naval Station Mayport, Naval Air Station Jacksonville, US Marine Corps Blount Island Command, dan Port of Jacksonville, pelabuhan laut terbesar ketiga di Florida. Pangkalan militer Jacksonville dan Pangkalan Kapal Selam Angkatan Laut di dekatnya Teluk Kings membentuk kehadiran militer terbesar ketiga di Amerika Serikat. Faktor signifikan dalam ekonomi lokal termasuk layanan seperti perbankan, asuransi, kesehatan dan logistik. Seperti kebanyakan Florida, pariwisata penting bagi daerah Jacksonville, khususnya pariwisata yang berkaitan dengan golf. Orang-orang dari Jacksonville terkadang disebut “Jacksonvillians” atau “Jaxsons” (juga dieja “Jaxons”).

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