Description of Houston; City in United States

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Houston; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Houston City.

Houston City

Houston (/ˈhjuːstən/ ) HEW-stən) is the most populous city in Texas, the most populous city in the Southern United States, the fourth-most populous city in the United States, and the sixth-most populous city in North America, with a population of 2,304,580 in 2020. Located in Southeast Texas near Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, it is the seat and largest city of Harris County and the principal city of the Greater Houston metropolitan area, which is the fifth-most populous metropolitan statistical area in the United States and the second-most populous in Texas after Dallas–Fort Worth. Houston is the southeast anchor of the greater megaregion known as the Texas Triangle.

Comprising a land area of 640.4 square miles (1,659 km2), Houston is the ninth-most expansive city in the United States (including consolidated city-counties). It is the largest city in the United States by total area whose government is not consolidated with a county, parish, or borough. Though primarily in Harris County, small portions of the city extend into Fort Bend, and Montgomery counties, bordering other principal communities of Greater Houston such as Sugar Land and The Woodlands.

The city of Houston was founded by land investors on August 30, 1836, at the confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou (a point now known as Allen’s Landing) and incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837. The city is named after former General Sam Houston, who was president of the Republic of Texas and had won Texas’s independence from Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto 25 miles (40 km) east of Allen’s Landing.[10] After briefly serving as the capital of the Texas Republic in the late 1830s, Houston grew steadily into a regional trading center for the remainder of the 19th century.

The arrival of the 20th century brought a convergence of economic factors that fueled rapid growth in Houston, including a burgeoning port and railroad industry, the decline of Galveston as Texas’s primary port following a devastating 1900 hurricane, the subsequent construction of the Houston Ship Channel, and the Texas oil boom. In the mid-20th century, Houston’s economy diversified, as it became home to the Texas Medical Center—the world’s largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions—and NASA’s Johnson Space Center, home to the Mission Control Center.

Since the late 19th century Houston’s economy has had a broad industrial base, in energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, and transportation. Leading in healthcare sectors and building oilfield equipment, Houston has the second-most Fortune 500 headquarters of any U.S. municipality within its city limits (after New York City). The Port of Houston ranks first in the United States in international waterborne tonnage handled and second in total cargo tonnage handled.
Nicknamed the “Bayou City”, “Space City”, “H-Town”, and “the 713”, Houston has become a global city, with strengths in culture, medicine, and research. The city has a population from various ethnic and religious backgrounds and a large and growing international community. Houston is the most diverse metropolitan area in Texas and has been described as the most racially and ethnically diverse major city in the U.S. It is home to many cultural institutions and exhibits, which attract more than seven million visitors a year to the Museum District. The Museum District is home to nineteen museums, galleries, and community spaces. Houston has an active visual and performing arts scene in the Theater District, and offers year-round resident companies in all major performing arts.


Houston (/ˈhjuːstən/ ) HEW-stən) adalah kota terpadat di Texas, kota terpadat di Amerika Serikat Bagian Selatan, kota terpadat keempat di Amerika Serikat, dan kota terpadat keenam di Amerika Utara, dengan populasi 2.304.580 pada tahun 2020. Terletak di Texas Tenggara dekat Teluk Galveston dan Teluk Meksiko, kota ini merupakan pusat dan kota terbesar di Harris County dan kota utama di wilayah metropolitan Houston Raya, yang merupakan metropolitan terpadat kelima area statistik di Amerika Serikat dan terpadat kedua di Texas setelah Dallas–Fort Worth. Houston adalah jangkar tenggara dari megaregion yang lebih besar yang dikenal sebagai Segitiga Texas.

Terdiri dari lahan seluas 640,4 mil persegi (1.659 km2), Houston adalah kota terluas kesembilan di Amerika Serikat (termasuk kota-kabupaten terkonsolidasi). Ini adalah kota terbesar di Amerika Serikat berdasarkan luas total yang pemerintahannya tidak dikonsolidasikan dengan county, paroki, atau borough. Meskipun terutama di Harris County, sebagian kecil kota meluas ke Fort Bend, dan kabupaten Montgomery, berbatasan dengan komunitas utama lainnya di Greater Houston seperti Sugar Land dan The Woodlands.

Kota Houston didirikan oleh investor tanah pada tanggal 30 Agustus 1836, di pertemuan Buffalo Bayou dan White Oak Bayou (suatu titik yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Pendaratan Allen) dan didirikan sebagai kota pada tanggal 5 Juni 1837. Kota ini dinamai menurut mantan Jenderal Sam Houston, yang merupakan presiden Republik Texas dan telah memenangkan kemerdekaan Texas dari Meksiko pada Pertempuran San Jacinto 25 mil (40 km) timur Allen’s Landing.[10] Setelah sempat menjadi ibu kota Republik Texas pada akhir tahun 1830-an, Houston tumbuh dengan mantap menjadi pusat perdagangan regional selama sisa abad ke-19.

Kedatangan abad ke-20 membawa konvergensi faktor ekonomi yang memicu pertumbuhan pesat di Houston, termasuk pelabuhan yang sedang berkembang dan industri kereta api, penurunan Galveston sebagai pelabuhan utama Texas setelah badai dahsyat tahun 1900, pembangunan berikutnya dari Saluran Kapal Houston, dan ledakan minyak Texas. Pada pertengahan abad ke-20, ekonomi Houston terdiversifikasi, karena menjadi rumah bagi Texas Medical Center—pusat perawatan kesehatan dan lembaga penelitian terbesar di dunia—dan Johnson Space Center NASA, rumah bagi Mission Control Center.

Sejak akhir abad ke-19 ekonomi Houston memiliki basis industri yang luas, di bidang energi, manufaktur, aeronautika, dan transportasi. Memimpin di sektor perawatan kesehatan dan membangun peralatan ladang minyak, Houston memiliki kantor pusat Fortune 500 terbanyak kedua di antara kotamadya AS mana pun di dalam batas kotanya (setelah Kota New York). Port of Houston menempati urutan pertama di Amerika Serikat dalam penanganan tonase lintas air internasional dan kedua dalam total tonase kargo yang ditangani.

Dijuluki “Bayou City”, “Space City”, “H-Town”, dan “the 713”, Houston telah menjadi kota global, dengan kekuatan dalam budaya, kedokteran, dan penelitian. Kota ini memiliki populasi dari berbagai latar belakang etnis dan agama serta komunitas internasional yang besar dan berkembang. Houston adalah wilayah metropolitan yang paling beragam di Texas dan telah digambarkan sebagai kota besar yang paling beragam secara ras dan etnis di AS. Ini adalah rumah bagi banyak institusi dan pameran budaya, yang menarik lebih dari tujuh juta pengunjung setahun ke Distrik Museum. Distrik Museum adalah rumah bagi sembilan belas museum, galeri, dan ruang komunitas. Houston memiliki pemandangan seni visual dan pertunjukan yang aktif di Distrik Teater, dan menawarkan perusahaan penduduk sepanjang tahun di semua seni pertunjukan utama.

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