Contoh Narrative Text “La Dana and His Buffalo” Beserta Terjemahannya

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “La Dana and His Buffalo” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text

La Dana and His Buffalo

In Toraja, South Sulawesi, lived a young man. His name was La Dana. Everybody knew him. He was known for his clever ideas. He always tricked bad people. That’s why the villagers loved him.

In Toraja, there was always a ceremony when someone passed away. In the ceremony, the guests could get buffalo meat from the host of the ceremony. La Dana went to the ceremony. Before he went home, the host gave him buffalo legs.

On the way home, La Dana met Mr. Kikir. He brought the whole body parts of the buffalo except the legs. Mr. Kikir was a very stingy man. Nobody liked him. La Dana then had an idea to trick him.

“Mr. Kikir, you have all parts of the buffalo except the legs. And I only have the legs. Why don’t we put them together and gave them back to the host. We ask him to exchange it with a living buffalo. We raise the buffalo until it is big. Do you agree?”

“That is a good idea. Let’s meet the host,” said Mr. Kikir.

Together they went back to the ceremony. The host agreed with one condition. He would exchange with a young buffalo.

After they got the young buffalo, Mr. Kikir and La Dana went home.

“La Dana, let me grow up the buffalo,” said Mr. Kikir.

He wanted to grow up it by himself because he was afraid that La Dana would steal it.

“I agree, but let me visit the buffalo everyday,” said La Dana.

He was happy, his idea was running well so far. On the following day, La Dana came to Mr. Kikir’s house.

“Hey! Look! The buffalo is getting fatter,” said La Dana.
“The buffalo has just been here for a day. How can you say he is getting fatter?”
“Look at the buffalo carefully. It is getting fatter. Mr. Kikir, I want the legs now. They are mine, right?” said La Dana.

Mr. Kikir was silent. He knew if the legs were cut, the buffalo would die.

“Don’t take the legs now. Wait for another time,” said Mr. Kikir.

On the following day, La Dana again came to Mr. Kikir’s house and asked for the legs. Mr. Kikir said the same thing, he asked La Dana to wait.

Then La Dana came and came again. Every time he visited the buffalo, he always asked Mr. Kikir to give him legs.

Finally, Mr. Kikir could not hold it anymore.
“It’s enough La Dana! If you cut the legs, the buffalo would die. The buffalo is still young. We will not get a lot of meat. If you want to get the legs, here take this buffalo with you!” said Mr. Kikir.

He gave the buffalo to La Dana. La Dana was happy. His plan worked! He got a living buffalo and brought it home. ***

Terjemahan Contoh Narrative Text

La Dana dan Kerbaunya

Di Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, tinggal seorang pemuda. Namanya La Dana. Semua orang mengenalnya. Dia dikenal karena gagasan cerdiknya. Dia selalu menipu orang jahat. Itulah sebabnya penduduk desa mencintainya.

Di Toraja, selalu ada upacara saat seseorang meninggal dunia. Dalam upacara tersebut, para tamu bisa mendapatkan daging kerbau dari tuan rumah upacara tersebut. La Dana pergi ke upacara tersebut. Sebelum pulang, tuan rumah memberinya kaki kerbau.

Dalam perjalanan pulang, La Dana bertemu dengan Pak Kikir. Ia membawa seluruh bagian tubuh kerbau kecuali kakinya. Pak Kikir adalah orang yang sangat pelit. Tidak ada yang menyukainya. La Dana kemudian punya ide untuk menipunya.

“Pak Kikir, kamu memiliki semua bagian kerbau kecuali kaki. Dan saya hanya memiliki kaki. Mengapa kita tidak mengumpulkannya dan mengembalikannya ke tuan rumah. Kita memintanya untuk menukarkannya dengan seekor kerbau hidup. Kita memelihara kerbau sampai besar. Apa kamu setuju?”

“Itu ide yang bagus. Ayo bertemu tuan rumah, “kata Pak Kikir.

Bersama-sama mereka kembali ke upacara tersebut. Tuan rumah setuju dengan satu syarat. Dia akan bertukar dengan seekor kerbau muda.

Setelah mereka mendapatkan kerbau muda, Pak Kikir dan La Dana pulang ke rumah.

“La Dana, biarkan saya yang memelihara kerbau,” kata Pak Kikir.

Dia ingin membesarkannya sendiri karena dia takut La Dana akan mencurinya.

“Saya setuju, tapi izinkan saya mengunjungi kerbau setiap hari,” kata La Dana.

Dia senang, idenya berjalan dengan baik sejauh ini. Keesokan harinya, La Dana datang ke rumah Pak Kikir.

“Hei! Lihat! Kerbau semakin gemuk, “kata La Dana.
“Kerbau baru saja berada di sini selama sehari. Bagaimana Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa dia semakin gemuk? ”
“Lihatlah kerbau dengan hati-hati. Kerbau itu semakin gemuk. Pak Kikir, saya ingin kakinya sekarang. Mereka milikku kan? “Kata La Dana.

Pak Kikir terdiam. Dia tahu jika kaki dipotong, kerbau akan mati.

“Jangan ambil kaki sekarang. Tunggu nanti, “kata Pak Kikir.

Keesokan harinya, La Dana kembali ke rumah Pak Kikir dan meminta kakinya. Pak Kikir mengatakan hal yang sama, dia meminta La Dana untuk menunggu.

Lalu La Dana datang dan datang lagi. Setiap kali dia mengunjungi kerbau, dia selalu meminta Pak Kikir untuk memberikan kakinya.

Akhirnya, Pak Kikir tidak tahan lagi.

“Sudah cukup La Dana! Jika kamu memotong kaki itu, kerbau akan mati. Kerbau masih muda. Kita tidak akan mendapatkan banyak daging. Kalau mau ambil kaki, bawa kerbau ini bersama kamu! “Kata Pak Kikir.

Dia memberi kerbau itu kepada La Dana. La Dana senang. Rencananya bekerja! Dia mendapatkan seekor kerbau hidup dan membawanya pulang. ***

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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